USA NLP Practitioners in Alabama!
Ask Coach Contact: David Youhas PO Box 1793 Danville, NONE 61834, USA 217-497-2262 |
“My unique capabilities and experiences are with individuals in transition, divorce and business. I love seeing others empower themselves with the tools of resilience, persistence and courage, moving forward, through, above and beyond challenges.” |
No practice Contact: ROSANNA CUMMINS 2 MONASH AVENUE EAST KILLARA, NONE 2071, USA 61438203898 |
Just wanted to let you know that I came across some errors in your, otherwise, fantasic website: Anchoring, 3rd para "We don't (incomplete sentenceL Newly Minded NLP, 4th line down and... (incomplete sentence) |
Changework Strategies Contact: Ron Bauer 2180 Jefferson St.. 201 Napa, NONE 94559, USA 707 255-8823 |
To work with individuals, treams and organizations helping them to identify, define and attain thier personal, professional and business goals with lasting change strategies. My focus is on team development, OD and coaching strategies so that businesses can get from where they are to where they want to be. |
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